Multileg Order Cancel Replace

Order Modification: Use the MultilegOrderCancelReplaceRequest message (a.k.a MultilegOrder Modification Request) (MsgType=AC) to modify Repo Orders.

Message format:

Field NameFormatReq'dComments
MsgTypeStringAC = MultilegOrderCancelReplace
MsgSeqNumSeqNumUser generated incremental number to allow receiver to identify possible message gaps
SendingTimeUTCTimestampTime of sending this message
OrderIDStringIdentifyer as provided by XCDE in most recent ExecReport
OrigClOrdIDStringUser generated last ClOrdID representing this Order
ClOrdIDStringUser generated Unique identifier of this replacement order
ClOrdLinkIDStringIn case of grouping of Orders e.g. with OCAO
AccountStringXCDE defined account (not in use)
ExecInstCharG = All-or-None. Only supported value
MinQtyQtyUseful to avoid tiny partial fills, Instead of All or None
MatchIncrementQtyIn combination to MinQty to avoid uneconomicaly small executions
SideCharIdentifies Near_Leg direction for Base currency.
F = Lend (a.k.a repo Bid price)
G = Borrow (a.k.a. Repo Offer price)
<Instrument> Component block
SymbolStringRecommended to disambiguate Order
TransactTimeUTCTimestampTime this request was initiated
<OrderQtyData> Component blockrequired, if ClOrdLinkID is not filled disabled, if ClOrdLinkID is filled
OrderQtyQtyE.g. 125 effectively required…
OrdTypeChar2 = Limit, only supported value
PricePrice1.76 effectively required
TimeInForceCharSupported values:
0 =Day (or session)
1 =Good Till Cancel (GTC)
3 =Immediate Or Cancel (IOC)
4 =Fill Or Kill (FOK)
6 =Good Till Date (GTD)
ExpireDateLocalMktDateConditionally required if TimeInForce = GTD and ExpireTime is not specified.
ExpireTimeUTCTimestampConditionally required if TimeInForce = GTD and ExpireDate is not specified.
TextStringUnessential freeform field to post information
Example message:
 1MsgType: AC
 2MsgSeqNum: 82367465
 3SendingTime: 20220906-22:29:43.729
 4OrderID: hdga5542-062j
 5OrigClOrdID: gsa62812043-873
 6ClOrdID: gsa62812043-878
 7Account: 42119
 8MinQty: 100
 9Side: F
11  Symbol: BTC/USDT-1w-R
12TransactTime: 20220906-22:29:43.122
14  OrderQty: 500
15OrdType: 2
16Price: 6.42
17TimeInForce: 3
 2  "Header": {
 3    "MsgType": "AC",
 4    "MsgSeqNum": "82367465",
 5    "SenderCompID": "SENDER",
 6    "TargetCompID": "TARGET",
 7    "SendingTime": "20220906-22:29:43.729"
 8  },
 9  "OrderID": "hdga5542-062j",
10  "OrigClOrderID": "gsa62812043-873",
11  "ClOrdID": "gsa62812043-878",
12  "MinQty": "100",
13  "Side": "F",
14  "Instrument": {
15    "Symbol": "BTC/USDT-1w-R"
16  },
17  "TransactTime": "20220906-22:29:43.122",
18  "OrderQtyData": {
19    "OrderQty": "500"
20  },
21  "OrdType": "2",
22  "Price": "6.42",
23  "TimeInForce": "3",
24  "Text": ""