Order Status Request

When a User wants to ascertain the status of one of his Orders, he sends an OrderStatusRequest and XCDE will return with an ExecutionReport describing the status of that Order.

Message format:

Field NameFormatReq'dComments
MsgTypeStringH = OrderStatusRequest
MsgSeqNumSeqNumUser generated incremental number to allow receiver to identify possible message gaps
SendingTimeUTCTimestampTime of sending this message
OrderIDStringIdentifyer as provided by XCDE in most recent ExecReport
ClOrdIDStringUser generated Unique identifier of this status request
ClOrdLinkIDStringIn case of grouping of Orders e.g. with OCAO
OrdStatusReqIDStringUser generated, to uniquely identify this Status Request message. Echoed back on Execution Report if provided.
<Instrument> Component block
SymbolStringBTC/USD-1w-R effectively required
SideCharIdentifies Near_Leg direction for Base currency.
F = Lend (a.k.a repo Bid price)
G = Borrow (a.k.a. Repo Offer price)
 1MsgType: H
 2MsgSeqNum: 9823867235
 3SendingTime: 20220907-02:34:54.582
 4OrderID: 8993jc-645432
 5ClOrdID: jhhfjhs-5543-34
 6OrdStatusReqID: gdfya-6463-645
 7Account: 42119
 9  Symbol: ETH/USD-ON-R
10Side: F
 2  "Header": {
 3    "MsgType": "H",
 4    "MsgSeqNum": "9823867235",
 5    "SenderCompID": "SENDER",
 6    "TargetCompID": "TARGET",
 7    "SendingTime": "20220907-02:34:54.582"
 8  },
 9  "OrderID": "8993jc-645432",
10  "ClOrdID": "jhhfjhs-5543-34",
11  "OrdStatusReqID": "gdfya-6463-645",
12  "Instrument": {
13    "Symbol": "ETH/USD-ON-R"
14  },
15  "Side": "F"